Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 11, 2015


You will notice that in every Magento installation, there is not only a base package but also at least one other design package available by default. In Community Edition (CE), this package is named “default.”

Professional Edition (PE) this package is named “pro” and in Enterprise Edition (EE), this package is named “enterprise.”

In the directory structure, these packages have both templating and skin files, which are in the app/design and skin directories, respectively. Unlike the base package, the themes in these demo packages (default, pro, or enterprise) are complete themes, with full CSS files and images as well. These demo packages can be used if you want to use the default Magento theme for your edition of the platform (they look like the demo stores you see online) as your theming starting point. Their most useful purpose, however, is as a reference or example in making your own custom design package.

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